From Wilkes- Barre/ Scranton area and west: Take I- 81N to exit 187 toward I-84E/Mt Pocono/ I-380 S/Milford/ Merge onto I-84 east toward Milford/ Mt Pocono. In 26.2 miles Take the PA-390 exit towards Promised Land and Tafton. After exiting, turn left onto 390. When 390 ends at Route 507, turn right. Drive north approximately 1/2 mile. The Marina is on the left. The office is on the right after the white and gold houses.
From Stroudsburg area and south: Take I-80E to US 209N toward PA 447/ Marshalls Creek. Turn left onto PA 402/ Resica Falls Rd. Continue on 402 for 25 miles. Turn left onto PA 4004/ Blooming Grove Rd. Blooming Grove Rd. becomes Gumbletown Rd. Turn right onto PA 390. When 390 ends at Route 507, turn right. Drive north approximately 1/2 mile. The Marina is on the left. The office is on the right after the white and gold houses.
From NY/ NJ, Matamoras, PA: Take I-84 W Take the PA-390 exit towards Promised Land and Tafton. After exiting, turn right onto 390. When 390 ends at Route 507, turn right. Drive north approximately 1/2 mile. The Marina is on the left. The office is on the right after the white and gold houses.